
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Eccentric force in traditional exercises (part 1).
These week a colleague that works in a Spanish first division team, phone me in order to consult the relationship between one of the variables that a GPS System (that includes a triaxial accelerometer A3X), that is the total number of impacts (number of times that the A3X get's a value higher than a threshold value previously defined), and some type of injuries (bone fractures).
Apart from the importance of knowing the limitations that each short of technology has, and the limitations related to the way we use it, he has wake me up an old issue that last years has been rising up in soccer conditioning world because of it's relationship with the production and prevention of some injuries: the eccentric force.

So I start today a set of audiovideos in which I'll show you some data obtained years ago in order to clarify some concepts sometimes forgotten about how the force is applied in the "eccentric" phase of a movement, in this case in traditional exercises, starting with some data get by a A3X in some soccer specific movements (sprint, change of direction, deceleration).

You must know that the system used to get this data is a linear encoder working at 1000 hz, with software Isocontrol 6.0 (2012). All the exercises has been performed by the same player (veteran and with good experience in strength training).

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