
miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: Possession game 5x5 (part 5).
And here you are with the last part of this issue, in which you can see the collective metabolic power exertion showed by the members of each of the two teams that have participated in this part of a spanish professional soccer training session.
Hope you enjoy it,

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: Possession game 5x5 (part 4).
As you are seeing in this series, when we analyze the collective metabolic power exertion in a specific task as this, possession game 5 against 5, despite tha values demonstrated by the collective, we have to pay attention also to the values showed by each player, in order to individualize the stimulus of each task to each player, because you will always find some significant differences ... but this is another issue, not for today.
For today we introduce more relevant data on related with the collective metabolic power demonstration of each team participating in the same task, so the idea is to show you how each team show his collective metabolic power exertion. As you can appreciate on the graphics of this type of specific soccer tasks, collectively there are just a few differences between the team who possess the ball and the team who are trying to recover it, but who's who? ...

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: Possession game 5x5 (part 2 and 3).
Today no words at all, just more video with continued information related to the last post.

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: Possession game 5x5 (intro and part 1).
Are you ready for more?
I hope you are, because today I start to share with you some more data based on the collective metabolic power concept applied to the analysis of a typical possession game 5 against 5 players, performed by a professional first division spanish soccer team, during an in season competition week, as the last part of a wednesday session (official games on sunday).
As explained in the video, there are two pitches in where 20 players are divided in 4 teams of 5 players each, and they compete all against all during 3 sets of around 4 minutes.
The size of the pitches are 30x30m during the first set, 30x40m during the second set, and finally 30x50m during the third set, and the basic rules are: maximum 2 touches of the ball consecutively by the same player, and a team score goal after ten consecutive passes by the same team players.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: Small sided soccer game 3x3 (part 3 and 4).
In this two videos, you will see how is affecting fatigue (so we suppose that fatigue appears when performing this specific task in this way, that is, 3 sets of around 5 minutes with 1' - 1'30" minutes of pause between, specially when is the last part of a hard session ...) to the collective metabolic power exertion of this professional spanish soccer players.

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: Small sided soccer game 3x3 (part 1 and 2).
Before going further with some specific tasks analysis based on the collective metabolic power exertion, I want  to deepen in a typical specific task, that is a small sided soccer game 3 against 3 players with a goalkeeper and a standard goal for each team, but in this occasion, we will look at the metabolic power exertion of all 6 players participating in the task, and during 3 consecutive sets of around 5 minutes. This has been the last part of a session performed the day after an official game by the players who didn't played it, members of a spanish first division professional soccer team.


miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: Small sided game 4x4 with 4 little goals.
Today we'll see some data from another small sided game, played in a little pitch of 30x20m by some players of an Spanish amateur soccer team. Apart from the small pitch, this game has been executed during 5 minutes, with maximum 3 touches of the ball by the same player, and without direction, that is every team can score on any little goal.
That's the result on the collective metabolic power exertion of the players involved in the task.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

An error in last post!!!
When writing about last post, I told you (and this is an ERROR), that the data corresponded to an amateur Spanish soccer team; that's not correct. The data correspond to a professional Spanish first division soccer team.

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: Small sided soccer game 3x3.
After a sightseeing of collective metabolic power exertion during soccer games, in professional and amateur Spanish soccer teams, we have done also a tour over the same metric demonstrated when playing different specific tactical games.
Now is the turn to go over the collective metabolic power exertion of different specific training tasks.
As a starting point, when planning a microcycle, a session or specially just a task, we have to had a clear idea of the main and secondary target of it, in order to be able to evaluate and if necessary correct it to improve our team performance.
By now, we are just paying attention to the conditioning structure of our team (without loosing sight the others structures as coordinative, cognitive, socio-affective, emotional-volitive, etc.).
With this in mind, and having as a reference the phases of higher collective metabolic power exertion during games, we are trying to show how to better improve our training methodology.
This implies that those specific tasks that we propose to try to improve in some way the specific conditioning of our team must be related to what happens during competition.
After this little reminder, let's go for today video where you will see an example of a typical small sided game of 3 against 3 players, with standard goals and goalkeepers for each team, in a pitch of 40x30m. This task was carried out during the in-season trainings of a spanish amateur soccer team (Cambrils CF), and as you will see there are some very interesting things to analyze.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: tactical 8x6+gk game (part 4).
And this is the last part of this specific topic. Just be ready for the next entrance!