
domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 4 (part 3).

Following the last post in which you have seen recently data that relates maximum acceleration with velocity, I present you today some graphics in which you can observe how this short of data evolve with time in the same season. First with data get from different spanish amateur soccer players, just comparing maximum acceleration with maximum velocity demonstrated during training in a one month period of time, and second the relationship between acceleration and the initial velocity demonstrated by some professional (first division) spanish soccer players showed in a graphic with data get during the 2007-2008 season.

Do you find some anything in common between all this data?

Stay tunned, more from the next post!!!

domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 4 (part 2).

Let's go today to try to deepen in the relationship between the velocity and the acceleration that a soccer player can demonstrate, and the relationship between them.
In this case I show you some data recently taken from a veteran spanish amateur soccer player, with whom we did a testing session that we have done some years ago with professional soccer players from a Spanish First Division soccer team.
After the warming up, the soccer player performed different trials of 20m at full speed, but 2 of them with a standing start, 1 from a previous walking constant speed, and 3 more from a previous running constant speed, 1 slow, 1 medium and 1 high speed.
You will see the graphic of the relationship between the initial velocity when starting the 20m and the maximum acceleration demonstrated just after the changing of the velocity for performing the 20m full.

Remember that as I have already comment before and I will also do constantly, it is really important to know the limits of the approaches that we use when we work, and one of them when using technology (in this case I use a GPS system for capturing the data of the soccer player), is the way that the software detects the accelerations, that depends directly on the algorithm used, but also on the filter used on the raw data.

In the next post we will see more related data based on professional soccer players.


martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 4 (intro).

Yes, we are in the next level!

In it, we will talk about the individualization of the analysis of the acceleration demonstrated by professional and amateur soccer players, how is it used actually this sort of information, and how you can use it in a much more individualized way.
I will show you some data in which you clearly understand much better the relationship between the acceleration demonstrated and the velocity that the player showed when starting this acceleration, coming from professional and amateur soccer players.

For today post, we talk about how it is actually used the acceleration data, and some limitations that you should (must) know about it.


martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 3 (part 9 and last of this 3rd level!).

And we arrive to the last post (at this moment) of this 3rd level, in which you can see an example of individualization of the conditional load control of a session performed by a professional Swiss soccer team (FC Sion, 2013 season). The basis of this individualization is to relate the session data, analyzed individually and collectively, with the data obtained in the friendly games played during the preseason, as measure of reference, offering a percentage (%) of the different variables individually and also integrated by an algorithm, in order to compare the conditional load demonstrated by each player and by the team in the training session with the game load.

Hope you enjoyed!

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 3 (part 8).
Individualization of the session analysis based on the individual profile, position profile and team profile, in professional soccer players.

Appart from this sort of analysis that we have been looking, it arrives the moment of doing a quick sightseeing in an example of an individualize approach of a training session of a professional Swiss soccer team. We will deepen in future posts.

Important: this is a methodological approach that is based in some assumptions that are far away to be perfect, but are more or less time efficient, and give as an idea of the individual and team training load.

Basically, we have used the data of each individual player demonstrated during all the friendly games done during the sort winter preseason (7 games) to establish an individual profile, a position profile and a team profile, that we use to compare with the data of the same variables obtained during the training session, as a % of game load.
