
lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 2 (part 11).

Given that too many friends and colleagues has asked me about impacts, I have tried to show you just a sample about them, and a general idea of how we can use them when trying to control the training loads.
Much more stuff is going on about impacts, but but as there so many things to be aware of, lets end this issue with some practical data of a professional spanish soccer player: we have commented it but if you are working with this short of GPS system technology sure you have appreciate it, impacts are a metric that it is very individual, so we can find similar players (body weight, stature, position ...) with very different quantification of it (in the same drill, task, session, they demonstrate big differences in the quantity and intensity of the impacts).
As an exemple of it, I show you this selected data corresponding to the same player jogging for recovery, in different situations (after more or less fatigue, etc).

Stay tuned,

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