
viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Closing the circle: actions and pauses duration in soccer games

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 5 (part 8).

As the title says, I show you today some data related with the average duration of actions and pauses phases during professional soccer friendly games.
As commented during the videopost, remember that with this, and maybe with all sort of information presented in any study, it's of paramount importance to be cautious not only in how we use the info presented, but before this point, to be aware of the fact that depending on the methodology used for capturing the data, and specially the characteristics of the technology used, hard and software, we will find differences between studies, and sometime big differences which can send us to different "paths" when trying to use/apply them to day a day training.

In this sense, I have explained before the methodology used in the approach, and also some of the limits that present.

As an example and under my knowledge, directly linked with today's issue (duration of pauses) none of the known main international GPS system brands give us directly this info, so it means that we have to obtain it using our algorithms. But what it's really relevant is that under the same brand, depending on the version of the software, and as it changes the algorithm used to offer the actions duration, based on the changes of the characteristics of how the hardware captures the data, the result of the analysis changes!!!
Yes, what you read. So you can imagine the difficulty and the attention we have to put in our analysis when comparing data coming from different sources, methodologies, GPS brands, software versions ...

Appart from that, also remember that this data is the average of some friendly games monitored, so it means that in the analysis is also included the time when the game is stopped.


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