
lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

Relationship between time and decelerations

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 4 (part 8).

We follow with some basic relationships between decelerations and, in this case, time for arriving to the maximum value of deceleration.

In default of more studies with large samples of soccer players, and specifically professional players, we observe that harder decelerations are performed in less time, so at first, this concept should be introduced when analyzing decelerations, especially when taking in account its intensity.

The data showed today has been obtained with a 5 Hz GPS unit, from a veteran spanish soccer player, when performing sprints with CoD in different conditions, changing the velocity prior to the CoD, changing also the way of performing the deceleration (hard, hard trying to apply more flexion on knees and hip, progressive, etc.), and when training using different SSG.

One very important thing that usually is forgotten is that the Hz of your units, but specially the filters used by the system - software used, modify this short of relationship between decelerations and time, so we have to be careful when doing this short of analysis done that this information is not used, not known by the users.


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