
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Game average & higher conditional exertion phases: what's the difference?

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 7 (part 7).

Under the intermittent approach and using also data from the metabolic power approach, today we analyze the difference of some metrics between the game average and the average of the higher conditional exertion phases during the same friendly game for the same professional soccer player.

Not too much to say, done that the data and the graphic really talks by itself ...

Under my vision, this is a key point for not only better understanding the high conditional exertion that players are experiencing when playing games, but also for establish better models for analyze and select the (not only) specific tasks, based on the specific conditional demonstration during the games, but specifically focusing on those phases that probably represents a challenge for the player's conditional capability.

Hope you enjoy,

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