
sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Decelerations using "raw data": relationship between time and acceleration

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 4 (part 10).

As we have seen in previous posts, one of the problems we have when analyzing GPS data is the use of different filters, that in most cases we don't know which are and how they modify the original raw data.
That said, we also know that the filters are an invaluable tool when using this short of data, without which we can not work.

But in this case, the idea is to analyze if with the raw data we can see the same tendencies observed with filters (commented in previous posts) or there is some other questions that arise ...

The basic data you will see in the graphics is exactly the same used before, but in this case without applying any filter, and it comes from an veteran spanish soccer player, that has performed different exercises and specific tasks (sprints with different decelerations and CoD, and also data from some SSG), wearing a GPS unit working at 5 Hz.

Stay tuned,

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