
jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 4 (part 6).

More about how different softwares show deceleration data.

One more enterprise GPS based for the monitoring of soccer players, and the solution of Roberto Colli group (from Italy).
As you can imagine or really know, there exist more possibilities, but or they are relatively new or their solutions are no so "compact" as these (but attention! Maybe I'm wrong!!!).
Anyway, the idea is just to show you easily the main possibilities and one the latests solutions (that of R. Colli group) which represent a different way of monitoring, not only by it's original approach, but also by it's price.
We just have to be actualized because new solutions are emerging, but remember, what really matters are (in my view), the reliability of the system - enterprise (attention with post-selling technical service), usability (friendly and not time consuming) software, and its utility for each one of you: what do you really want to know from your players - team? Does the software give you as you want? And of course the price ...

In the next post I'll comment something about the relationship between velocity and deceleration.
Stay tunned!

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