
miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 2 (part 2).

Today I'm going to try to explain some basic considerations in the analysis of the accelerations. This considerations are an essential issue for understanding correctly some of the data we are using when controlling soccer games and training loads.

Basically, as you sure know, when analyzing accelerations demonstrated by soccer players, we must use not only the absolute value of the acceleration shown in the sprint, but also the initial speed at which the player was running when starting the sprint (so the acceleration).
Sometimes this initial speed is near to 0 km/h (so the player is standing or just walking), but the most of the sprints players do when playing a game are demonstrated with a certain initial speed (so running).
Also, we don't have to forget that the sort of data we are using in this type of analysis depends directly on the way the software detects and consider there has been an acceleration ...and as there is not a "gold standard", any comparison must be done carefully.

Stay tunned!

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