Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 7 (part 4).
Today follows a summary of the analysis we are doing of the higher conditional exertion phases that one professional spanish soccer player demonstrated during a friendly preseason game.
Remember that basically I have selected those periods based on the cardiac output (detection of the periods where the HR reaches the 90% of the individual HRmax, and search when the HR has started to raise before arriving to this point), and that we are analyzing them under the metabolic power approach.
You will see the comparison between the averages of higher conditional exertion phases for each variable used with the average of the first time of that game ... At the end, we have to understand that our conditional target when training and preparing our players for the competition demands shouldn't be referenced by the average data obtained from all the game, but from the higher conditional exertion phases, that probably could limit their performance ... Maybe with this approach we could relate it better with fatigue and with the individual capability of "specific endurance", that under my view, maybe should be better addressed in soccer ...
Next post, for the new year, we will use the same data to de the analysis under the intermittent approach.
Enjoy the post, but above all, enjoy this period of time!!!
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 7 (part 3).
Following with the last posts, I introduce today the comparison of the data obtained from a spanish professional soccer player during the first time of a friendly preseason game.
This is a basic comparison between the average value of the same parameters during all the first time with those of the different higher conditional exertion for the same player of the same game.
The parameters used in this example are based on metabolic power calculation, and are the next:
- average metabolic power
- average metabolic power over 20 w/kg
- average metabolic power under 20 w/kg
- average speed when metabolic power is over 20 w/kg
- average speed when metabolic power is under 20 w/kg
Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!!!
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 7 (part 2).
After the intro and some comments respect another study that has been published recently related with the analysis of the activity of those periods of higher conditional during games and also the periods after (study done analyzing activity during 5' duration periods), I will present some data related with another approach to the same issue, using intermittency and metabolic power data to observe the conditional demonstration and duration of this periods of higher conditional exertion during games.
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 7 (part 1: Intro).
In this 7th level of analysis of the conditional demonstration of professional soccer players I want to introduce the analysis of the higher conditional demonstration phases that take place during every soccer game.
Traditionally this sort of analysis has been done through the measurement of the HR initially, and lately with the HR and measurement of activity of the players, basically distance run depending on some velocity based thresholds.
As this approach has been already published by different authors in international journals, I'll not show any data of it.
Instead, I'll show you two other approaches based on intermittency and metabolic power, as a way of analyze the individual and also collective conditional exertion of soccer players.
Stay tuned,