Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 6 (part 5).
Today I'll introduce the Adrian Gray metabolic power approach (Gray and col. 2011. Energetic analysis of running demands in australian football using global positioning systems technology. PhD Thesis), to which I have had the fortune to have access to it (thank you Adrian!).
This alternative metabolic power approach, that has not yet been extensively applied (done that the more important international GPS systems based brands are using the Di Prampero approach), has its own characteristics that are essentially different from that of Di Prampero.
Gray propose an approach based on the calculation of mechanical work to obtain the the metabolic power, basically horizontal and vertical work, work against air resistance and limbs work. But what it's really interesting is that both approaches, with so different ways of calculating, gives very similar average data when applied to a specific task analysis. In fact, Gray uses the same metabolic power zones.
After the short introduction, and in order to better understand the differences that each approach "offers", I present you a graph in which you'll see the metabolic power data of both approaches applied to a game action, also with velocity and acceleration data.
In this action, in which the player perform 3 consecutive CoD with some sprints of different duration, you will be able to distinguish and understand the differences of each approach, that basically are related to the "weight" that each one puts to acceleration and velocity portion of the sprint.
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 6 (part 4).
We continue this week with Di Prampero approach to metabolic power analysis, looking at the comparison between the mechanics of running on a slope surface at constant velocity and an accelerated level run. This basic approach to the issue is then applied to the analysis of italian professional soccer games, and just gives us a basic comparative on the implications of doing the analysis with a traditional velocity and distance approach, in which there is a little % of total distance ran of higher intensity (velocity), or with the metabolic power approach, in which the % of higher intensity performed by the players is much more elevated.
All the graphs and information has been used with permission of the authors, and it comes directly from the Colli's group, in Italy, who are doing a really great effort in giving a different view of the issue of specific conditioning.
Stay tunned!
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 6 (part 3).
With this post I'll introduce the basic concepts to the metabolic power approaches, that under my actual knowledge are two: the known and proposed by Di Prampero (2005, 2009) and applied by Osgnach and col. 2010, and the probably less known proposed and applied by Gray 2011.
Both approaches are really interesting, but what it's important (under my view) is that using different approaches, the results when applied to field data are very similar (not so when analyzing individual maximal actions ... but we will talk about this later).
So in today post, I'll try to introduce the essential concept proposed by Di Prampero for the analysis of the metabolic power. It's extracted from the papers related before.
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 6 (part 2).
Today I show you the second part of the introduction to the metabolic power approach to soccer conditional demonstration.
In it I comment something related to the different metrics generally used (which under my view should be further developed ...), and with it we let the path to the next post in which you'll see the two metabolic power approaches that, under my actual knowledge, actually exist with a scientific background (international scientific paper or PhD thesis).
Stay tunned!
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 6 (part 1).
We arrive today at the 6th (arbitrary) level of analysis of conditional demonstration analysis and approaches of soccer players.
In this level we will talk about the metabolic power approach, as a general concept, and about some of its characteristics.
In this first intro post (there will be a second intro part) I will introduce the general trends of what we are going to talk, but there is of special importance to know some of the limits that affect each approach, and ...
Stay tuned!