
sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Basic parameters that define intermittency

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 5 (part 4).

And we arrive to the "basis" of the intermittency when using it for the conditional demonstration of soccer athletes (not only soccer).
As you will see, intermittency can be defined basically by the characteristics of the periods of more intense activity, that we call ACTIONS, and the periods of less intense activity that we call PAUSES.
Both. actions and pauses must be selected by an intensity parameter (we will talk about in future posts), that not only determines their INTENSITY but also their DURATION.

So we talk about intensity and duration of actions, and intensity and duration of pauses.

I have added also the concept of RITHM, which we define as the average time between the start of different actions that are demonstrated during the game, training, task, drill, ...

As an exemple you will see some average data obtained from an spanish professional soccer team during all the friendly games that they played during 2007-2008 spanish La Liga season (7 preseason friendly games and 4 in-season friendly games). With this data I have used as key intensity parameter the acceleration (threshold value for considering an action 1 m/s/s with using a 1 hz GPS), because in those years there where not other better option ... (some years later I changed for what I understand are better options as metabolic power and mechanical horizontal power, but we will talk about it in future posts).

Hope you enjoy!

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013

Intermittency during soccer games

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 5 (part 3).

After the traditional approach, in which we have commented that is based in some basic concepts between the relationship of exertion, intensity and duration of effort, but that has been mainly analyzed in activities with a continuous motor pattern (running, cycling, ...), in this post we add what does it implies and the possible relationship with the way that it's mainly been used for the analysis of the conditional demonstration of soccer players in games and training, that basically uses distances (total, over a defined velocity threshold, ...) and it's relationship with short of "endurance", muscle fibers and energetic supply related.
Also, I introduce the basics of the concept of intermittency ... and let the door open to next post, in which I'll explain which is the essence of it, and the basics parameters to analyze it ...

Stay tuned, and enjoy.

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013

Velocity demonstration in soccer games

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 5 (part 2).

For starting the explanation of the intermittent approach, I have just choose a 45 minutes of a professional soccer player who was wearing a GPS unit, so you will see a typical graphic with HR and speed curves, in which   we introduce how the activity of that player has been shown depending on his speed ...

Stay tunned,

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Intro to intermittency

Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 5 (part 1).

Today we start the 5th level of analysis of the physical demonstration of soccer players.
In this introducing entry I'll explain the basis of the approach, that is, I'll just introduce the 4th basic parameters for analyzing the intermittency: intensity of the actions, duration of the actions, intensity of the pause and duration of the pause.

Under my view, this 5th level is the heart & soul of the approach for the correct conditional analysis of soccer players, that means that while the traditional approach is based (as explained in previous posts) on the relationship between speed, intensity, time of effort (related with critical power ...) and exertion (but investigated and developed with CONTINUOUS activity motor pattern), this approach is based on the basic characteristics of the activity of intermittent motor pattern, in which speed is not always directly related with intensity, but specially not directly related with exertion ...

This differences are the constraints under which we are actually working, and the essence of some of the problems we have for distinguish between the analysis and control of the conditional load of sessions and tasks during training (and games) ... But this is the content of a future post.

So hope I'll be able to get your attention ...
Stay tuned!