Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 3 (part 7).
Following the last video-post, today you will find more data obtained from a spanish professional soccer team, in which we have done a comparison of the same variable, distance ran in zone 6 (related with maximum velocity), but with different velocity threshold: a general one (so the same velocity threshold value for all the players, the same used by Amisco System in maximum speed zone), and an individualized one (over 80% of the maximum velocity of each player demonstrated during all training and friendly games during a season).
This is a powerful data, done that n=143, and it correspond to the average distance ran in this maximum speed zone by each player of the team during the 11 friendly games that the team played during the preseason and in season.
You will see the differences, and then you can decide the importance or not of individualizing these data.
Anyway, in my opinion, it could be so important to use a general or a individualized approach, depending on WHAT you want to analyze.
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 3 (part 6).
Today just go on with the video, where it continues with the comparison between some data obtained from spanish professional soccer games, and where you can see some differences depending on the velocity thresholds used: generalized (the same velocity value for everybody) or individualized.
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 3 (part 5).
After the introduction about the individualization of velocity thresholds for the analysis of physical demonstration of an Spanish professional soccer team, we continue with this post with the explanation of an study that we presented (and was later published in the book of abstracts) in the international congress of physical activity and sport sciences that took part in Vitoria (Spain) in 2011: Lapuente y col (2011) "Análisis de la actividad en partidos de fútbol profesional mediante tecnología GPS" (Analysis of activity in professional soccer matches with GPS technology).
In it, we propose a basic comparison between some data published before by one of the co-authors (Zubillaga), and obtained using other methodology (Amisco System) in which the velocity thresholds where not individualized, and the our data when using individualized velocity thresholds.
As you will see, this is just an example, but it's really important to know the limits of this short of comparison, and also what it means when doing the analysis of the team conditional demonstration of an individual task, a session, or a week (or more) load training control.
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 3 (part 4).
Today we start with the velocity individualization issue, and how it can affect to the player analysis or also the team load analysis.
In this introduction we see how the individualization of the velocity thresholds for a spanish first division professional soccer team have been stablished.
It is the base information for a better understanding of the methodology used for the comparison between two different approaches when analyzing the distances ran by, in this case, spanish professional soccer players (Primera división in 2007-08 season).
After this first information, we will go in the next post for the first comparison between data obtained with this individualization approach and data from a general approach that uses an absolute threshold for all players.
Stay tuned!
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 3 (part 3).
And today it arrives the last part of this issue related to the analysis of the heart rate (HR) when individualizing it in reference to the player individual HR values (HRmax, HR at second ventilatory threshold) and also compared with values accumulated during all the training week (in-season training).
I know these are just some pieces of this short of analysis, but as this issue (HR analysis) has been largely developed during this pasts years, I just wanted to point out this characteristics of this approach to be aware of when analyzing HR demonstration in professional soccer players.
Enjoy and be ready for next post of this level: individualization of velocity!
Approaches and level of analysis of the physical demonstration of professional soccer players. Level 3 (part 2).
In this second part of the 3rd level, we'll continue with the example of individualization of HR output, in a comparison of different spanish professional soccer players during a week of in-season training.
No too much words to say, just follow the video.