
sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: tactical 8x6+gk game (part 3).
This weekend I show you another video in which you'll see the collective metabolic power exertion in another 8x6+gk tactical game. In this case, the duration of this specific task has been shorter, around 5'30", and as you'll check, not always are the defensive players those who demonstrate a higher collective metabolic power exertion in this task.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: tactical 8x6+gk game (part 2).
As in the previous post, I will show you some more data of the same tactical game done by the same spanish first division soccer team, and with the same characteristics, all along the next posts, and before going for the analysis of other specific training tasks.
The idea is show you data from the same specific task in different sessions, in order to have a better idea of the conditional demonstration via collective metabolic power exertion.

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: tactical games (part 4).
As today the part 3 of this issue has been really short and not really special, I show you the next step, that is, the analysis of a tactical game 8 against 6 plus a goalkeeper (8x6+p). In this tactical game, the 8 attack players must defend 4 little goals put on their bottom line, in a pitch of 65x70m. The 6 defense players with two midfielders and 4 defenses playing in line and in zone. The game is played with off-side rule.
Remember that this game has been done by a spanish professional first division soccer team.
You will see the data corresponding to the first of 2 reps of this specific task, played in the same day.

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: tactical games (part 3).
Today just a short video in which we analyze the same tactical game (6 against 4 plus a goalkeeper), but in this case it have been done the day after a game by the players who didn't played the game, and just for a few minutes (around 5').
As you will soon see, the collective metabolic power exertion is really low, so ...

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: tactical games (part 2).
In this second part I show more data for the same task (tactical game 6 against 4 plus goalkeeper), but realized later in time by the same spanish first division professional soccer team.
Again we can see how the team exert it's collective metabolic power, in terms of average intensity and in time.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Collective metabolic power exertion in soccer training: tactical games (part 1).
Now that we have an idea about the collective metabolic power exertion during friendly soccer games, the next step is to analyze the same concept and in the same way but in different soccer specific training tasks.
In this case, let's start by the analysis of some tactical games, used to the development of the way of play of a professional spanish soccer team (La Liga first division in season 2007-08).
The first task is a tactical game 6x4+p, what means 6 attack players against 4 defensive players (in line and in zone) plus a goalkeeper. During this task, there is usual to stop in order to correct some specific movements and to coordinate the movements of the attack - defense players according to the way of play and the philosophy of the head coach.

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Metabolic power collective exertion during soccer games: summary.

Just to summarize what we have been analyzing in the lasts posts, if we want to prepare our team based on their conditioning demonstration during soccer games, we'll have to pay attention to the fact that during friendly soccer games, independently of the level of the players (pro and amateur), the phases of higher metabolic power collective exertion show an average value around 1'-3', and during this time, the team can perform different moments of the game (attack, defense, and transitions between them) in different combinations.
We have seen also that, at least in our analysis, there are always some interruptions during these higher exertion phases, but the doesn't affect to the higher metabolic power collective exertion (short stops).
Also we have seen that these phases of higher metabolic power collective exertion starts and ends mainly by an "stop ball set" (foul, through in, corner, etc.), up for an 83% of the cases.

On the other hand, the duration of the interspersed phases of lower metabolic power collective exertion has been shown to be also around 1'-3'.
These means that is possible to play with a lower collective metabolic power exertion, and this is a crucial aspect to control when developing our soccer specific training methodology, because of its effects on the medium and long term development of the players specific conditioning. But we will talk about it in future posts.

So at first, our general temporal reference for applying on the specific soccer tasks if our target is the development of the collective conditioning, and we want to optimize our training time, should be around 1'-3' / 1'-3'.
This means that the time for pauses could be exploited not only for physical recovery, but also (and specially important for the collective and individual cognitive development) for influence on the tactical aspects.
If the main target of the specific task is not just the development of the collective specific conditioning, but the collective adaptation to the demands (all different levels, so cognitive, coordinative, conditional, etc ...) of the game in its various moments (attack, defense, and transitions between them), then it is necessary to use longer intervals for these short of specific tasks.

Next step: how our team behaves when training with different specific soccer tasks?
We will see this issue soon.

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Characteristics of the intervals of higher and lower exertion on soccer friendly games (part 4).
In this last part of this issue, I present you more data, but this time correspond to a friendly soccer game of an spanish amateur team (Cambrils FC).
You can compare this data with previous one corresponding to a professional spanish soccer team, in order to see the differences and similitudes in the metabolic power collective demonstration.
At the end, there arrive some very practical conclusions for its application in specific soccer training tasks.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Characteristics of the intervals of higher and lower exertion on soccer friendly games (part 3).
In this post, I include more data from the same spanish professional soccer team, but from another friendly game, based also on metabolic power collective exertion.
You can now have a better idea of how collective metabolic power exertion evolves in time during a game.
You will have then the basic information for apply it to collective soccer training (we will discuss this issue in another post).

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Characteristics of the intervals of higher and lower exertion on soccer friendly games (part 2).
As explained in the first part of this series, and after the intro, we continue today with the first data obtained from a spanish first division soccer game, from which I have done the analysis of the phases or periods during the game where the collective metabolic power of the team (the average of the players who where playing that game) is over the stablished threshold (in this case 10 w/kg).
Also I have included some simple data of the activity of the team during this higher collective metabolic power exertion: basically all phases are present (attack, defense, and transitions).